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National Peanut: 1947

New York circa 1947. "National Peanut Corp. store on Broadway -- Mr. Peanut sign and Embassy Newsreel Theatre." 4x5 negative by John M. Fox. View full size.

New York circa 1947. "National Peanut Corp. store on Broadway -- Mr. Peanut sign and Embassy Newsreel Theatre." 4x5 negative by John M. Fox. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Wish Granted

There is a color photo here.

Southern Maine

was also hard hit by the fires. There are very few buildings remaining in the burned-over areas of York County ME that were built before October 1947. My family started vacationing at Fortunes Rocks around 1952 and I remember staring out the car window at the blackened stumps that lined the road for mile after mile as we approached the coast.

Looks like this

was playing across the street

Oh, the aroma!

I remember this store since we made frequent trips to visit relatives in N.Y. Two of my father's favorite things were fresh, hot roasted peanuts in the shell and ethnic bakery bread and we always had to bring back home to our small town big bags of both. Planter's had continuously roasting, fresh peanuts cooking constantly in large ovens and fryers and the enticing scent just lured people in non-stop. I also remember they were not very expensive with the shell on, but did cost more without the shells, which I preferred (being a bit lazy). They sold themselves, just by whetting peoples' appetites with their aroma. They also usually had a real live Mr. Peanut strolling around in front. Good times.

Marquee madness

So did the movie stars actually blast Reds or simply fight them? And where's that two-named fire they're announcing?
P.S. - this would be great colorized.

The Great Fires of 1947

This would have been in late October, as much of Bar Harbor was destroyed by a fast-moving forest fire on October 23:

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