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Nuclear Family: 1956

Another found 35mm Kodachrome transparency from our New Jersey family of slide-takers in their atomic living room circa 1956. View full size.

Another found 35mm Kodachrome transparency from our New Jersey family of slide-takers in their atomic living room circa 1956. View full size.

On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Mr. Hope would sing

"Thanks for the memory." Really, this has brought back more memories than any photograph on Shorpy that I have seen so far. We were just talking about how in the 40's and 50's you were considered rude if you didn't have ash trays placed about your house.

Grandma's clothes

They go so well with the curtains.

Fifties furniture

Totally awesome furniture, except the dirty ashtrays. i like how the reds come out also.

Those Tables

Sorry to obsess over the end tables, but my in-laws STILL have a pair of those in their living room. They (the family and the furniture) have been in that place since about 1960.

We live in a mid-century ranch and I too would love to have those for our home.


That is a true moment in time. It would cost a fortune to recreate that today. And the baby is looking around thinking, "Wow, am I ever going to rebel against this! Come on, Sixties!"

Fifties Decor

My family had those end tables and curtains in late '50s, all bought from the Spiegel catalog.


Gal on the left, your shirt's unbuttoned.


Three ashtrays in this picture, four if you count the candy dish. Plus a table lighter. And, over at the left, a baby bottle. Those were the days!

Love the furniture

I'm moving to a new apartment in two weeks and am furnishing it totally retro 50's. Love the end tables with the hairpin legs and the cool fiberglass lamps. This kind of stuff nowadays costs a fortune.

Space-Age Lamps!

Kind of a cross between a gyroscope and a model of an atom.

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