Photo from 1927. This is my father, David Berger, at the age of 10. He came from a Brooklyn, N.Y., from a family that had a weakness for jokes and humor of every type imaginable. All of his siblings, with one exception, were natural comedians, offering the world laughs and smiles every chance they got.  The fact that his mother, my Granny Rose, agreed to be a part of this "unusual photo," combined with the mischievous look on Dad's face attests to that. (The owner of the legs standing atop Rose's shoulders is lost in anonymity). I have no idea exactly what Dad is holding, but I'm thinking it's an equally young Stanley Cup.

My very special and unique father died in 1973 at the age of 55. View full size.
Photo from 1927. This is my father, David Berger, at the age of 10. He came from a Brooklyn, N.Y., from a family that had a weakness for jokes and humor of every type imaginable. All of his siblings, with one exception, were natural comedians, offering the world laughs and smiles every chance they got. The fact that his mother, my Granny Rose, agreed to be a part of this "unusual photo," combined with the mischievous look on Dad's face attests to that. (The owner of the legs standing atop Rose's shoulders is lost in anonymity). I have no idea exactly what Dad is holding, but I'm thinking it's an equally young Stanley Cup. My very special and unique father died in 1973 at the age of 55. | Click image for Comments. | Home | Browse All Photos