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Lurene Tuttle: 1960

"Sexy actress Lurene Tuttle" is how the seller of this midcentury publicity still described its subject; "matronly character actor" might be more on the mark. For many years Lurene's voice was a fixture of the radio airwaves. 4x5 acetate negative from the Publicity Department Archive. View full size.

"Sexy actress Lurene Tuttle" is how the seller of this midcentury publicity still described its subject; "matronly character actor" might be more on the mark. For many years Lurene's voice was a fixture of the radio airwaves. 4x5 acetate negative from the Publicity Department Archive. View full size.


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The premier female voice actress

Lurene Tuttle's most famous role may be Effie Perrine, Sam Spade's devoted secretary, but she was everywhere in the days of old time radio. She was the consummate character actress, able to play a wide range of ages and types, but in the right role her voice was anything but matronly.

"Norman found them dead together--in bed"

She had a memorable two minutes on screen as the sheriff's wife in "Psycho." Her emphatic whisper of that line is unforgettable.

LIfe With Father

She was very charming and lovely on Life With Father back in the mid-50's.

Played in Six Perry Masons

Defendant in four, perp in one.


I'm not going to be the first to tell her otherwise.

When she was on radio

She sounded very sexy on the Sam Spade programs. She was born in 1907, so would have been around 53 in 1960. I always enjoyed her performances on radio, TV, and movies.

Search terms

Items listed in eBay auctions are always either "rare" or "sexy."

Older doesn't cancel sexy

Because Merriam-Webster defines a matron as "an older married woman who usually has a high social position," I daresay "sexy actress" and "matronly" aren't mutually exclusive.

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