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Public Square: 1900

Circa 1900. "City Square. Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Cleveland." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company. View full size.

Circa 1900. "City Square. Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Cleveland." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company. View full size.


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Today’s Top 5

The gardens

I like the surrounding gardens that have been made into the shapes of Unit or Division emblems and heroism awards.

May Co. redux

Here's a later view of the May Co. building, greatly expanded.

One has to wonder if this postcard is again the work of Detroit Publishing.

Inside the Monument?

It appears that there is a door leading into the monument itself. Does anyone know what this leads to and is the interior still accessible? Secret enterance to the Great Lakes Brewing Company tasting room perhaps?

[What's inside the Civil War monument is addressed in the comments here. - Dave]

The Edison patented lightbulb goes on

After seeing so many flagless giant flagpoles on major buildings here on Shorpy, it finally dawned on me that they were not intended for a US flag, but for advertising/corporate ID, as can be seen here.

Euclid Beach

A year later, the Humphrey family would take over Euclid Beach Park east of the city, and turn it into a legend.

You can still buy their popcorn at many stores in NE Ohio.

Western Railroads

TerryN, thanks for pointing out the CM&StP sign in the window. The same building also has signs for the Burlington Route and Rock Island. The interesting thing is that none of these railroads served Cleveland, at least not directly. They all went from Chicago westward. So their offices in Cleveland must have been for exchange of freight between eastern and western railroads, I suppose.

Where's the Cable Car?

According to the above link, the cable car slots under the trolley car were used for another year until 1901, even thought the St. Clair trolley car in the foreground had directly replaced the horsecars on its line in 1893.

No rebellious women?

One would think there would have been at least one daring young woman who would have had the gumption to wear a black blouse with a light colored skirt, just to be a little outrageous and stand out, but nooooo. Times sure have changed in the area of seeking attention through outrageous fashion and personal appearance. Or maybe today's girls just feel more comfortable expressing themselves, which certainly does make street scenes more interesting.

Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul

Soon to become The Milwaukee Road, with Hiawatha service to almost anywhere. Brook Stevens who designed their rail cars would have (maybe did) marveled at the May Co. building of the future.

I'm marveling at in this picture. Probably 50 years before its time.

The May Co. Building

Wow, looks like the predecessor of the modern curtain-wall design. Large lights of 1/4" plate glass no doubt. Would love to see some architectural drawings of that facade.

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