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Rob & Laura & Millie & Jerry: 1963

Continuing the Rob & Laurathon: Dick Van Dyke, Ann Morgan Guilbert, Mary Tyler Moore and poor Jerry Paris, who had only two names, on the set of The Dick Van Dyke Show sometime in 1963. From a series of photos by Earl Theisen that were used to illustrate the article "America's Favorite TV Wife" in the April 21, 1964, issue of Look magazine. View full size.

Continuing the Rob & Laurathon: Dick Van Dyke, Ann Morgan Guilbert, Mary Tyler Moore and poor Jerry Paris, who had only two names, on the set of The Dick Van Dyke Show sometime in 1963. From a series of photos by Earl Theisen that were used to illustrate the article "America's Favorite TV Wife" in the April 21, 1964, issue of Look magazine. View full size.

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Cigarette ads

RGMBill is right about the cigarette ads featuring DVD cast members. I was born in 1963, so I only remember watching the show in syndication, which never showed these ads, but a quick search of Youtube brings up a plethora of Kent commercials featuring most of the cast members lighting up.

While shocking to modern sensibilities, even Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble puffed away for their sponsor, Winston.

Re: Smoking

Laura smoked a cigarette in at least one episode. Rob smoked more frequently, though still rarely in the episode. Some of the guests smoked during the frequent parties, and in at least one episode a guest lit up at the table signifying the end of the meal.

What you don't see are the interstitial ads where cast members smoked as a commercial. Remember, the show was originally partly sponsored, by a cigarette maker. Ads showing the stars smoking either between takes or in character were dirigeur.


I don't remember anyone actually smoking but they had the ashtrays if needed.

(Was there smoking ever shown?)

[Quite a lot, early on. - Dave]


Isn't that Carl Reiner at center frame, wearing the cardigan?

[Jerry Paris. -tterrace]

Got a light?

Ash trays on the coffee table, in a family sitcom. In 50 years a lot of things change.


Note the small bits of tape on the floor which helped the actors to know where to stop during a scene that required movement. Interesting shot.

Dates aside

Whichever dates are correct, the episode really is "My Part Time Wife". Laura is typing recipes to impress Rob, in hopes he will hire her as a temporary typist.

Jerry Paris

In the 1955 Film "Marty", Jerry Paris played Tommy, Marty's cousin, a key character in the story. The Film won 4 Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Screenplay. It was originally written as a 1953 TV Drama by Paddy Chayefsky and shown on the Philco-Goodyear TV Playhouse.

Additional information

This and the previous Dick Van Dyke Show photograph depict scenes being shot for the episode "My Part-Time Wife." The filming date was January 14, 1964. The episode's air date was February 26, 1964.

[The Library of Congress says these images were added to Look's photo library on December 2, 1963. Dave]

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