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Desert Guns: 1937

June 1937. "Oklahoma City. Idle men attend the morning movies. There are three such movies in one block." Now playing: Desert Guns and The Singing Vagabond. Photo by Dorothea Lange, Farm Security Administration. View full size.

June 1937. "Oklahoma City. Idle men attend the morning movies. There are three such movies in one block." Now playing: Desert Guns and The Singing Vagabond. Photo by Dorothea Lange, Farm Security Administration. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Billiards, Beer

lunch and a movie. It don't get any better than this.

Pay no attention to the man in the window.

He's likely just an idle roomer.

Get back to work

The idle men are one thing, but shouldn't the Western Union boy be off delivering telegrams instead of bathing in the washed air of the theater?


No idle women seeing the morning movie! Their work was never done.

Rooms for Rent

Man in window reminiscent of a Hopper painting.

Decisions, decisions

Shall we see the Singing Vagabond today, or wait until Wednesday for Desert Guns? Aw heck, let's spend that dime right now on a cold beer!

Isis Theatre

This was the Isis Theatre at 124 W. Reno Avenue in OKC. It was demolished in the late 40's/early 50's. It's now the Chesapeake Energy Arena. See this page.

Not lost anymore

The IMDB must be out of date because you can buy the DVD for $3 on eBay

Darn those idle men!

Why aren't they standing in a bread line like everybody else? (I realize that "idle" was an economist's term of art for describing the unemployed, but it sounds pejorative to our more sensitive ears). And I'll wager a theater was the coolest place to be on an Oklahoma June day.

It breaks my heart

When I go to the IMDb, and I read the words, "This film is presumed lost. Please check your attic."


Air cooled with "washed air"... NICE!

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