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The Cat's Pajamas: 1914

1914. "Cat in housedress costume at clothesline with basket of laundry." Felis domestica doesn't get much more domestic than this. Photo by that wittiest of Whittiers, Harry Whittier Frees. View full size.

1914. "Cat in housedress costume at clothesline with basket of laundry." Felis domestica doesn't get much more domestic than this. Photo by that wittiest of Whittiers, Harry Whittier Frees. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5 are...

...the cat's meow!

Watch out, Mr. Frees

I look in those eyes, and all I see is a mad desire for revenge.

Please, we've got enough of this now!

Dear Shorpy, can you please STOP now showing all these horrible, tasteless, disturbing dressed-cat pictures? From a photographical or historical point of view, this seemingly endless series offers nothing interesting at all.

The only thing they convey, is that apparently a century ago, people did not shrink from abusing cats in a way that back then was supposed to be funny.

Well, I think we've got that message by now. So why keep boring and annoying us with ever more of this sh*t?

I myself will (yes I know this is a lame kind of threat) vote with my feet the next time Shorpy comes up with one of these. Meaning one more of these, and I will strike Shorpy from my favorites list. Yes I feel it's that bad. Comprende, signores?

[¡Hasta nunca! - Dave]

Makes sense

that Ms. Cat would be using one piece clothespins, as even though the two piece spring types had been invented in 1853, and evolved to their current form by 1887, they would be a real dog to use without opposable thumbs, but it still must have taken some doing.

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