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Karnak: 1858

Portico at ruins of Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Karnak at Luxor, Egypt, circa 1858. View full size. Albumen print by Francis Frith.

Portico at ruins of Hypostyle Hall, Temple of Karnak at Luxor, Egypt, circa 1858. View full size. Albumen print by Francis Frith.


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Very lovely photo.

Very lovely photo.


Over the last 150 years they've really dug those columns out! If you match up the chips/marks in the some of them, you can see that almost half of the current height was underground in 1858. Cool.

and at night more than 100 years later

Scanning For Years

There are five books, each has about 100 photographs, so I'll be done in a few years. I will start looking for "Shorpy worthy" photos tomorrow.

scan 'em!

well, get scanning, friend! (i know how time consuming to get the parameters you would want, so that's somewhat a tongue-in-cheek remark :)

Egyptian Photographs

I have multiple albums of photographs from the late 1870's of a trip taken to Egypt and the surrounding areas, never have been scanned, I ought to do so, some of the pictures are amazing. All are large photographs....

A Century & A Half Ago!

1858!? Holy cow, this could just as easily have been taken in 1958! I wonder just how many pre-civil war photographs actually exist. There couldn't possibly have been very many cameras in existence at the time.

[At the very least, many thousands of photographs from the era survive as daguerreotypes, prints and glass negatives. Photography had been around for a quarter of a century in 1858. - Dave]


Large negative images of Egypt are the best -- you can feel the texture of the stone.


The picture is not of Karnak - it's the Colonnade in Luxor Temple, with the mosque of Abu el Haggag in the background - but otherwise it's a wonderful picture.

so good, so old a pic!

wow. really fantastic! way to document! what's so fascinating is the dress of the people. reminds me of that old silent movie Grass. really great image.

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