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Gaiety Camp: 1910

New Zealand circa 1910. "Group men outside a tent with a sign reading 'The Gaiety Camp,' showing each man performing domestic duties. Probably Christchurch district." It would be interesting to know something about the history of these elaborate camps (note the geranium flower beds), and how long the custom lasted. Photo by Adam Maclay, who made hundreds of these portraits. View full size.

New Zealand circa 1910. "Group men outside a tent with a sign reading 'The Gaiety Camp,' showing each man performing domestic duties. Probably Christchurch district." It would be interesting to know something about the history of these elaborate camps (note the geranium flower beds), and how long the custom lasted. Photo by Adam Maclay, who made hundreds of these portraits. View full size.


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The photos are a scam sent to overindulgent parents who paid outrageous prices so their spoiled sons could commune with nature and learn how to fend for themselves.

Hidden in the tents are cases of beer, cartons of cigarettes, boxes of cigars, decks of cards and reels of stag films.

Hidden behind the tents are camp employees who will be doing the actual camp work.

Hidden in the trees is the road which leads to the young ladies equivalent of Camp Gaiety.

Gentlmen start your engines and let the games commense.

I Suspect a Pastor in the Background

Cleancut, serious youth, neatness, the word "Gaiety"... there is something seriously 'churchy' about this to anyone old enough to remember church youth groups.

Cleanest campers ever.

Starched shirts, shiny boots, and sea shell flower beds. Lets just say these guys are "persnickety".

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