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Dork Dynasty: 1910

No slapdash campsite for these circa 1910 New Zealand outdoorsmen: "Unidentified men sitting between two open tents with beds, tables, pictures, flags and posters on the walls, and Gaiety Camp sign, quoits game in front, pine trees behind. Sumner, Christchurch." Glass negative by Adam Maclay. View full size.

No slapdash campsite for these circa 1910 New Zealand outdoorsmen: "Unidentified men sitting between two open tents with beds, tables, pictures, flags and posters on the walls, and Gaiety Camp sign, quoits game in front, pine trees behind. Sumner, Christchurch." Glass negative by Adam Maclay. View full size.


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Today’s Top 5

Bob's your uncle

The British flag is a Second Boer War commemorative featuring Lord Roberts, whose nickname—Bobs—is a contender for the origin of the title phrase.


Harp poster

It looks like a version of the Harp of Erin so maybe one of the gents had an Irish connection.

Harp Poster ?

The poster in the middle of the sleeping tent on the left depicts a winged figurehead harp which has me wanting to know more - Can anyone enlighten me as to its origin and what it represented ?
One also wonders how far out of town these campsites actually were,
did they have a matching fancy outhouse or did they just go across the road to the church hall - and was it the butler or the maid that took the photos ?

The Gaiety Camp

As evidenced by their cheerful demeanor of its residents. Nary a smile present, in spite of all the apparent creature comforts of rural Edwardian NZ.

Camping Merit Badge

I don't know when the Boy Scouts came to New Zealnad, but earning the "Camping" merit badge must have been a chore.

Shocking! I tell you. Shocking!!

All of those girlie pictures and tobacco ads on those walls!

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