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Overalls Parade: 1920

April 24, 1920. "Overalls parade." A demonstration against profiteering that took its name from the "overall strike," a fad that had people wearing overalls to protest the high price of men's clothing. Bain News Service photo. View full size.

April 24, 1920. "Overalls parade." A demonstration against profiteering that took its name from the "overall strike," a fad that had people wearing overalls to protest the high price of men's clothing. Bain News Service photo. View full size.


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Found the same spot today

Thanks to those buildings at the corner of 55th & 8th Ave (well, and the monument in Columbus Circle...and the N.V.A. Club). It was taken on 8th Ave between 54th & 55th looking North up 8th Ave.

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Shoe icon

Buster Brown seems to be piloting the car on the left!

No Bugs M'Lady

Those aren't Red Bugs. They're Briggs and Stratton Flyers. You can see the throttle control on the car on the right and the fifth wheel, of the Briggs Motor Wheel, on the other car

Red Bugs!

The Auto Red Bug was an electric micro car. They were designed by A.O. Smith in 1910. There were also gasoline versions. The design was sold to Briggs & Stratton, and manufacture was licensed to several firms internationally. Many were made in Lafayette, Indiana by American Motors.

Forerunner of the go-cart?

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