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Small World: 1952

"28 Feb 1952 -- Maurine." Whose husband, Leslie, we met here. This latest episode of Minnesota Kodachromes brings us yet another variation on floral wallpaper. 35mm color slide by Hubert Tuttle.  View full size.

"28 Feb 1952 -- Maurine." Whose husband, Leslie, we met here. This latest episode of Minnesota Kodachromes brings us yet another variation on floral wallpaper. 35mm color slide by Hubert Tuttle. View full size.

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Today’s Top 5

Talented photographer

When these slides were taken, the film was rated at ISO 10. You had to use tungsten rated film (slower yet) in home for regular flash bulbs or orange filters (slows ISO rating more) without flash---or use blue flash bulb with day light film. The flash units required you to adjust F stops for close in shots like this (or burn out the image). The electronic flash was around but was not in most consumer hands--and no sensors were attached to flash units to control and automatically reduce the amount of light for close in shots. Slide film was and remains a tough film to use to capture shady subjects with interspersed sun patches. The film had little latitude. The photographer who shot the Minnesota photos was an accomplished photographer with an eye for the artistic and a wonderful ability for proper exposure---perhaps using an old fashioned photo electric cell light meter.

Forget the wallpaper

Look at that gorgeous head of hair!


Wallpaper, upholstery, rugs, drapes - that must have been the busiest house in town!

Global Recon

Surely there is in some exotic clime a land where wallpaper is unknown?

12,450 miles

I think she is looking to see how far away she can get from that wallpaper!

Climate Change

I think she's looking at Australia as a place to live and get away from those Minnesota winters.

Far Horizons

Maurine's gaze is fixed on East Asia. Makes me wonder if Leslie might have served in Korea. The Armistice was still over a year away.

[Probably not, since his photo was taken the same day, and he appears in more throughout the year. I'd also say her gaze is focused more on New Guinea than anywhere in Asia. Perhaps Leslie had served in the South Pacific -- he was an Army sergeant during World War 2. - Dave]

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