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All You Can Eat: 1894

Palm Beach, 1894. "Dining room, Hotel Royal Poinciana." At the time, Henry Flagler's giant hotel was the largest building in Florida. 8x10 inch glass negative by William Henry Jackson, Detroit Publishing Co. View full size.

Palm Beach, 1894. "Dining room, Hotel Royal Poinciana." At the time, Henry Flagler's giant hotel was the largest building in Florida. 8x10 inch glass negative by William Henry Jackson, Detroit Publishing Co. View full size.


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Today’s Top 5

Jewel Encrusted Dining

Harper’s Weekly, January 24, 1903.

A Show Resort in the South

… The Royal Poinciana at night is the centre of the show. Evening dress is de rigueur for dinner. There is immense wealth (if not always refinement) shown in the costumes and jewels of the women at dinner, and when it is borne in mind that over a thousand people easily can be seated in the Poinciana dining-room, the brilliancy of the scene can be imagined. Palm Beach is a show-place in more senses than one. After dinner the display continues in the parlors and on the broad verandas. Some women, whose bank accounts are more flourishing than their family trees, literally seem to stagger under the weight of their jewels. …

2,000 guests

Could be accommodated at this hotel. It was the largest wooden structure in the world before being razed during the Depression.

Very nice.

Imagine going there for a great meal, then smoking a Havana cigar after the repast.

What a beautiful sight

Those rooms must have been in the evening with those gas chandeliers glowing!

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