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1942 Kodachrome (Andreas Feininger) before & after correction. View full size.
Hi, I admire your work! Really brings magic to these old films.
I was so tempted, I wanted to understand how you did it and wanted to try it myself. I downloaded high res tif files from Library of Congress (for the above example image (googling 1a34848u would get there). Unfortunately, they have 8bit tif, which is insufficient to get all the highlights and shadows.
My question is, how did Shorpy (Mr. Dave Hill) get 16bit tiff files? Did you scan it by yourself?
On the image editing, your work is just stunning! Here's what I got with the 8bit tiff file. I would really like to know your process.
Nice job Dave, really nice. I also scan my films sometimes, to have digital images. For a long time I use Photoshop, but I can't get so contrast, clear and bright pictures like yours. Could you tell me what tools (or pugins) do you use in Photoshop to get these masterpieces. For example my result (below) I used "Levels", but I think it's not enough.
[Auto Tone, Auto Color, Shadows & Highlights. - Dave]
Please let the ignorant among us know... What sort of software was used to reprocess this photo? I have many old slides and photos I would love to repair and this would help greatly! Thank You!!
[Photoshop CS3. - Dave]
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