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Schlitz Hotel: 1910

Circa 1910. "Schlitz Hotel, Atlantic City." On the Boardwalk at Ocean Avenue.  8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.

Circa 1910. "Schlitz Hotel, Atlantic City." On the Boardwalk at Ocean Avenue. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Lovely Stained Glass

Such interesting buildings. I love the designs and visual interest each have. The details, such as the stained glass awning at the Schlitz entrance and the transom on the other hotel. I bet they were gorgeous when backlit in the late evening or night. Also the turret corner is lovely. The Bank is my favorite with all the beautiful ironwork. Too bad we don't have such interesting and pretty details on buildings today. Instead most of what we have today is a square, bland Lego block style. IMHO they are depressing to look at.

Beer Hotels?

I see that the Schlitz Hotel has the same logo as the brewery and next door (to our left) is the Blatz Hotel. That was (is?) another brewery from back in the day. Did these breweries own lodgings? I know that they did run restaurants that showcased their products. Also, these hotels were in Atlantic City, a long way from Milwaukee, and that beer didn't travel that well in those days, was there a locally-owned brewery?

[The sign next door is for Blatt Royal, a haberdashery. - tterrace]

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