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The Peanut Gallery: 1939

June 1939. "Sons of day laborers in tent camp near Webbers Falls, Oklahoma. Some of their fathers were agricultural workers and some were dispossessed tenant farmers now on Works Progress Administration. The WPA work is holding many of these former tenant farmers in their communities, but they are all potential migrants. None of these children had ever attended school." Photo by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.

June 1939. "Sons of day laborers in tent camp near Webbers Falls, Oklahoma. Some of their fathers were agricultural workers and some were dispossessed tenant farmers now on Works Progress Administration. The WPA work is holding many of these former tenant farmers in their communities, but they are all potential migrants. None of these children had ever attended school." Photo by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Ear boxing?

The boy on the left appears to have what I think is called "cauliflower ear" on both ears. Google tells me this is usually the result of blunt trauma - I wonder if having his ears boxed was the discipline of choice by his parents.

Boy second from the right

Seems to have his left foot on his right leg.

They look familiar...

Except for the clothing, that could be our Cub Scout Wolf den.

Boy trouble

The two on the far right are definitely trouble. Their grins are wicked funny! The thoughtful boy at the far left looks as though he might have gone on to invent something (definitely a bit of the dreamer). The boy next to him would go on to caring profession. The two in the middle are cooking up some kind of scheme to get candy.

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