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Pie Town Singers: 1940

October 1940. Pie Town schoolchildren in a community musical program. 35mm Kodachrome transparency by Russell Lee. View full size. Another view is here.

October 1940. Pie Town schoolchildren in a community musical program. 35mm Kodachrome transparency by Russell Lee. View full size. Another view is here.


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Today’s Top 5

Pop McKee

It's Kenneth McKee, better known as Pop McKee. He still lives in Pie Town. Find recent picture of him (now in his seventies) by searching "Kodachrome project"

Re: Kenneth?

The boy third from the left (front row) in the above photo is fifth from the left (front row) in this photo.


I yield to your authority, but the boy shown in this photo is not the one who is "third to the left" in the Pie Town photo on your kodachrome project website. He is a different boy in overalls, in the center of that photo. Look carefully at their hair and the labels in the center of the overalls' bibs. One of the two identifications must be in error.

Also, his name is there given as "Kenneth McKee," so there is a typo somewhere.

The little boy in overalls...

is Kenneth Mackie. His portrait, taken in Pie Town on Kodachrome in 2006, appears on my "Kodachrome Project" home page:

Pie Town Children

Those well-scrubbed, fresh-faced children are delightful. The little boy in suspenders reminds me of myself at that age. They didn't have elastic waistbands for boy's pants at that time and I had to wear suspenders to keep my pants up. Or bib overalls like the little boy to his left.

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