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A Tall One: 1940

November 1940. "The bar in 'Art's Sportsmen's Tavern,' Colchester, Connecticut." Medium format acetate negative by Jack Delano. View full size.

November 1940. "The bar in 'Art's Sportsmen's Tavern,' Colchester, Connecticut." Medium format acetate negative by Jack Delano. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Terminology Trouble

Regarding the posted notice that refers to Chapter 151, Cumulative Supplement of 1939, I am curious to know how Chapter 151 actually read, since beer and cider are not liquors. A liquor, by definition, is a product of a distillation process. I surmise that the notice on the wall simply bears an unfortunate misuse of English, which happens to be the best of us from time to time -- especially when alcohol is involved.

[The legal definition of "alcoholic liquor" was any beverage containing more than one-half of one percent alcohol by volume. - Dave]

The giant Schlitz bottle says ...

"The drinking of alcoholic liquors other than beer is not allowed."

Herr Schicklgruber?

It's somewhat surprising to see the narrow "brush" style mustache (worn by the gent on the right) appearing as late as 1940. If the deadly machinations of a certain malevolent ex-corporal overrunning Europe at the time hadn't cast the that type of mustache into extreme disfavor in the U.S. by 1940, then the job would certainly have been accomplished by late the following year.


Looks like a Philco Model 84 cathedral radio, c.1934.

No women, by law

If there had been a woman among these three (and the tavern served her a beer or hard cider), it would have violated state law. After the end of Prohibition, the Connecticut Legislature made it illegal to serve a woman alcohol if they were standing or sitting at a bar, or at a table within three feet of a bar. Fear of "B-girls" kept the law in place for decades, with the support of the state's largest newspaper. Amazingly, that law was in place until 1969, when it was modified to allow alcohol to be served to a woman sitting (but not standing) at a bar. Three years later (in 1972), women were finally given a right to stand at a bar in Connecticut and drink.

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