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Cuatro de Mayo: 1949

1949. Rochester, Minnesota. "Mayo Clinic group of Drs. C.H. Slocumb, E.C. Kendall, P.S. Hench and H.F. Polley, who carried out the research and medical application of Cortisone, a hormone from the cortex of the adrenal gland, which appears to exert a notable effect on patients with rheumatoid arthritis and perhaps certain other related diseases." View full size.

1949. Rochester, Minnesota. "Mayo Clinic group of Drs. C.H. Slocumb, E.C. Kendall, P.S. Hench and H.F. Polley, who carried out the research and medical application of Cortisone, a hormone from the cortex of the adrenal gland, which appears to exert a notable effect on patients with rheumatoid arthritis and perhaps certain other related diseases." View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

How apropos

Perhaps we should reprint these.

Sneezes Spread Diseases

Of course the Mayo Clinic would post a timely and timeless medical message.

On Steroids

The photo may show the men who were awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering the corticosteroid known today as prednisone.

My rheumatologist told me about the discovery and the Nobel Prize award, but I can't recall the names of those involved. I do recall a mention of two names.

Following a diagnosis of something quite bizarre known as *Polymyalgia Rheumatica at the end of January 2014, I wasn't in any condition to remember names, but I remember the event of being told about the discovery of the life-saving medications and the Nobel Prize.

I plan to show the photo to my Rheumatologist.

* AKA PMR, the disease involves inflammation of red blood cells. Extremely painful, and the Corticosteroid known as Prednisone is the only medication that will terminate the pain.


Photos from this era make me glad that doctors began to wear white coats more often.

71 Years Later

"Sneezes Causes Diseases"

Is still relevant in today's pandemic world.

A Sign of Our Times

Love that sign hanging on the wall on the right... seems pretty timely for today!

Oh - Oh - Oh My Toe!

When I was a kid in the '50s, I had a favorite pair of really cool black slip-on shoes with pointed toes and white lightning bolts on the sides. I liked them so much I wore them 'way too long and ended up with wedged toes similar to (but not as bad as) this patient's tangled tootsies.

Side Effects

My mother used to tell me the story of how my grandfather was one of the first people to take cortisone for arthritis in the early 1950s. While it helped the arthritis, she said there were some bad side effects including judgment and psychological issues.

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