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It Hasta Be Shasta: 1965

Three of them, in fact: the Mount, the Lake, the Dam, and a perfect day for Kodachrome. We were on the next-to-last-last leg our 1965 summer vacation trip to Mounts Lassen and Shasta, about to head to the coast and the giant redwoods to be driven amongst there and thence homeward. We being my mother, father, older brother and our 1956 Rambler station wagon, performing its last family trip transport duty. Next year it would be a 1966 Rambler wagon.  View full size.

Three of them, in fact: the Mount, the Lake, the Dam, and a perfect day for Kodachrome. We were on the next-to-last-last leg our 1965 summer vacation trip to Mounts Lassen and Shasta, about to head to the coast and the giant redwoods to be driven amongst there and thence homeward. We being my mother, father, older brother and our 1956 Rambler station wagon, performing its last family trip transport duty. Next year it would be a 1966 Rambler wagon. View full size.

On Shorpy:
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10 year difference with Rambler

I find it amazing the differences between the 1956 Rambler and the 1966 Rambler. I like the unusual style of the 1956 model. Not so much characteristic of other car models of the time. Great photo by the way and a stunning view!


To me, though I am far from a professional photographer, it is a surreal medium. This is a beautiful photo but was ever a body of water really that intensely blue?

Did someone say Rambler?

We had two when I was a kid. Here's one.

Do not freeze

A full can of Shasta!

Wow, great shot! I have seen the lake many times but never full up like this!

I'm sorry I don't share the fascination with Kodachrome that so many people like, but they usually look fuzzy to me - but this one is great! Thanks!

1966 Rambler

Wonder if your Pop bought his 1966 Rambler from my father. He worked at Dexter Rambler as a salesman in San Rafael. Don

[Sorry! Larry Brink in Mill Valley. -tterrace]


bet the Rambler returned with the wired on Trees of Mystery cardboard bumper "sticker"

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