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North by Night: 1940

July 1940. "Negroes from Florida and Georgia travel by car and truck, following the crops northward. The company store at Camden, North Carolina, where migrants buy anything from clothing to Coca-Colas." Photo by Jack Delano -- Farm Security Administration. View full size.

July 1940. "Negroes from Florida and Georgia travel by car and truck, following the crops northward. The company store at Camden, North Carolina, where migrants buy anything from clothing to Coca-Colas." Photo by Jack Delano -- Farm Security Administration. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

361-452 & Old Screen Doors

1931 Chevrolet AE Independence Coach.

Mixed in with the faint whisper of the evening breeze and summer night insect sounds, I hear the gentle double-slam of those ornate screen doors.

Florida in July

Steve Belcher, I'm right with you except the cool evening breeze would be very humid, hot, and muggy.

Outstanding composition, detail and exposure

If there was ever a photo here that moves me, it's this one. I feel like I just walked up a dirt road and back into time. I can almost hear the bugs and feel the cool evening breeze.

That Bike

Looks exactly like the one that my wife had a few years back. Her's Hers was green and white with whitewall tires.

Near twins

On the left, nearly out of the frame, is a 1935 Ford Tudor sedan -- a standard model, with but one taillamp. Farther to the right is a 1936 Tudor that may or may not be a standard, since the far lamp is hidden, if it's there. There were other differences not seen in this photo. I have owned an example of each of these jewels.

Where's George C. Scott?

This is like a scene from "The Flim-Flam Man."

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