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Canceled: 1953

Here we are in circa 1953 Chicago with a Post Office employee under arrest. Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate, or else! 4x5 acetate negative from the News Photo Archive. View full size.

Here we are in circa 1953 Chicago with a Post Office employee under arrest. Do Not Fold, Spindle or Mutilate, or else! 4x5 acetate negative from the News Photo Archive. View full size.


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Today’s Top 5

Better angels

Not a picture I would have posted. Judging by the accompanying article, his crime was trying to turn his life around. Probably would have thought twice if he had known how long his perp walk was going to last.

[We have no idea exactly when or why this man is in cuffs. That article is just speculation. - Dave]

That holster, though

The gear the officer is wearing, especially the holster and the custom grips on his revolver, is such a throwback.

Gone Postal?

A sad and disturbing photo. They should be out arresting Mafiosi!

30+ years with the Postal Service

One thing you learn and learn fast is do not challenge the Postal Inspection Service.Those boys and girls have all the bases covered and you're out of the old ball game quickly.


I had to wear the tried and true modern Eagle insignia patch for my entire 32 year Letter Carrier career, but I often wished I could have worn the logo design just before mine, like this gentleman is wearing. Timeless and classic, though why his pony is coming and mine is going I have no idea!!

Where's the mail?

"Sheriff, we need to start letting the postal workers go! I haven't gotten any mail in over two months!"


That officer took particular care in his sidearm. I wish I knew enough to really identify what he's carrying.

Looks to me like a 4-inch N-frame S&W, nickel with stag-horn grips, carried in a Don Hume spring-retention holster with some kind of swivel rig.


Some possible background

A Dec 17, 1952 Chicago Tribune article gives a possible explanation, along with a disturbing amount of not-so-veiled racism.

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