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A Boy Can Dream: 1918

July 16, 1918. "Alex, a fourteen-year old working boy in St. Etienne, France (last seen here), was found intently studying the playground exhibit at the Children's Welfare Exposition of the American Red Cross. He has been working since 11 years of age, and said: 'On account of the high cost of living, I now get four and a half francs a day'." 5x7 inch glass negative by Lewis Wickes Hine for the American National Red Cross. View full size.

July 16, 1918. "Alex, a fourteen-year old working boy in St. Etienne, France (last seen here), was found intently studying the playground exhibit at the Children's Welfare Exposition of the American Red Cross. He has been working since 11 years of age, and said: 'On account of the high cost of living, I now get four and a half francs a day'." 5x7 inch glass negative by Lewis Wickes Hine for the American National Red Cross. View full size.


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Sad Photo

One can only imagine the thoughts going through this young man's mind. With the raging war and mostly likely a lost childhood I hope Alex enjoyed a good adulthood.

[In Nazi-occupied France? - Dave]

Where's the coin slot?

The exhibit looks a lot like some of the mechanical layouts at the Musée Mechanique here in San Francisco!

Francs for looking

Per this website, the quatre et demi/jour would be ~79 cents. (yes, there really IS a site that allows for period currency conversions ... life is just becoming too easy)

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