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August 1940. "Local talent makes music on a Sunday afternoon under the soldiers' monument. Provincetown, Massachusetts." View full size. Medium-format safety negative by Edwin Rosskam for the Farm Security Administration.
It is very sad to think that in a few years after this picture was taken they will be adding many more names to this monument.
It does look like a Rockwell painting, because Norman Rockwell painted real people and things. Funny that his critics always claimed that Norman painted a reality that didn't exist. It certainly did! He simply chose what parts of reality to portray, usually the good parts, the sentimental parts - and art critics just HATE those.
The faces (the facial expressions anyway) all look they've come from a Norman Rockwell illustration. Any one of them really, but specifically the young man with the guitar and the two older men to the right of him.
They all look like they're waiting impatiently for the invention of television.
I love how timeless this one is. Almost seems like it could be from some other era.
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