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Brooklyn Murder Trial

My great grandfather Leo Healy (sitting second from left with hands on table) with his clients, two boys accused of murder in a 1930's Brooklyn courtroom.  Both boys were found not guilty.

My great grandfather Leo Healy (sitting second from left with hands on table) with his clients, two boys accused of murder in a 1930's Brooklyn courtroom. Both boys were found not guilty.

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That's Criminal Court in Brooklyn

It used to be called the Central Court Building. I'm a criminal defense lawyer, and am in that building almost daily. The courtrooms look exactly the same.

I wonder which courtroom it is.

Proper Attire

One of the defining characteristics of old photographs, at least those before the 1970s, is how adult and mature everyone always looks. Even whom we would refer to as "young people."

You just didn't have grown men sitting around in public places in shorts, tee shirts with advertising on them, and baseball caps back then. No one would take you at all seriously if you dressed like that; and you'd more than likely be considered a bum, a menial worker or a nut.

Of course, in today's courtrooms people make the effort to dress as well, but until the 1970s, ALL adults, if they wanted to be taken seriously, made the effort to dress like grown and responsible men and women.

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