Summer 1953. Here I am, just turned 7 and lacking the full complement of front teeth, with my teddy bears in our back yard in Larkspur, California. The big red one is Rufus, who I won at a church festival, at one of those booths with a spinning wheel and a row of numbers along the counter. Someone gave me a dime to plunk down on one and the wheel stopped on mine. They pointed to all the prizes on the shelf and asked me what I wanted. My eyes bugged out and I pointed and yelled "I want HIM!!!" There's also a Frosty the Snowman and Smokey the Bear. From a 2-1/4 square Kodacolor negative.
Summer 1953. Here I am, just turned 7 and lacking the full complement of front teeth, with my teddy bears in our back yard in Larkspur, California. The big red one is Rufus, who I won at a church festival, at one of those booths with a spinning wheel and a row of numbers along the counter. Someone gave me a dime to plunk down on one and the wheel stopped on mine. They pointed to all the prizes on the shelf and asked me what I wanted. My eyes bugged out and I pointed and yelled "I want HIM!!!" There's also a Frosty the Snowman and Smokey the Bear. From a 2-1/4 square Kodacolor negative. | Click image for Comments. | Home | Browse All Photos