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White Dome: 1925

Another view of the Capitol Refining plant, "Home of White Dome Shortening," just outside Washington circa 1925. Note the Capitol "dome" atop the building. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

Another view of the Capitol Refining plant, "Home of White Dome Shortening," just outside Washington circa 1925. Note the Capitol "dome" atop the building. View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Naval Radio Station

The two radio towers seen on the hill mid left of the photo are two of the three towers at Navy Radio Station Arlington, call sign NAA. I believe the mold has obliterated the third tower. This station played an important role in the early days of radio communications.

A brief summary can be found here.

The Horror

Giant ameboas attacked many Washington, DC area landmarks today and mysterious mold grew in many locations. Panic set in as streetcars rolled over and cars plunged from bridges. Spokeman Shorpy Higginbotham stated, "Golly gee, folks, It's just negative damage." Sales of Atwater Kent radios shot through the roof and area movie places were packed as the populace attempted to keep up with events. Rumors that the Army will be deployed to city streets have yet to be confirmed.


Also note the ectoplasm encircling the building.

The Baseball Leagues

Washington Post, Jul 25, 1920

Barber and Ross Wins

The Barber and Ross team yesterday defeated the team representing the Capitol Refining Company by the score of 10 to 4. The game was featured by hard hitting of the Barber and Ross club.

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