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Thanksgiving in the Salmon Kitchen

November 24, 1983. Nineteen years after this previous shot our kitchen is still more or less salmon and my mother's 1955-vintage O'Keefe & Merritt range is still doing yeoman service, in this case having just disgorged the turkey, which my father is carving, while Mother herself makes the gravy. I can still almost smell it. Scanned from my 35mm Kodak Vericolor negative. View full size.

November 24, 1983. Nineteen years after this previous shot our kitchen is still more or less salmon and my mother's 1955-vintage O'Keefe & Merritt range is still doing yeoman service, in this case having just disgorged the turkey, which my father is carving, while Mother herself makes the gravy. I can still almost smell it. Scanned from my 35mm Kodak Vericolor negative. View full size.

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I bet she could make that gravy with her eyes closed!

Beautiful photo.

Parents making dinner. A photo full of love. Thank you very much!

So Nostalgic

This photo makes me feel so nostalgic for my own parents, I can't tell you.

The Open Drawer

The reason the upper right-hand drawer was open so much is that it's where my mother kept her heavily-used cooking implements: spatulas, ladles, forks etc., all handy for use on the stove. And yes, she had lots of Revereware. The plant up in the corner between the windows was by this time ersatz; previously it held either philodendron or ivy cuttings in water.


Yes, that is the top of a pineapple. One of our family's many attempts to grow a pineapple from the cut-off top. You put the top in a plate with water. It was the thing to do for a while. Sort of like putting your avocado seed in a glass of water, propped up with toothpicks to try to grow an avocado tree. We were successful with that. One of the pits rooted, and grew to be quite a large avocado tree which was planted in the yard. Don't know that it ever produced edible avocados though. From time to time the frost would knock it back in the winter. However, we never had a pineapple plant that I can remember.

-- tterrace's sister

Good Times

A professional photographer could not have created a more sincere and "homey" photo, this is the perfect shot to define family love. God bless 'em, every one.

Revere Ware

Looks like a handle of a Revere Ware pot in the dish drainer at bottom left. They were the stainless steel pots and pans with the copper bottom. Each piece has its year of manufacture stamped on the bottom, but even on my 1985 set it's no longer legible.


This is truly a timeless photo. It's like a Norman Rockwell picture.

Another Treasure

What a treasure! Thank you, tterrace. (Note to self: Take candid shot of Mom and Dad in kitchen.)

This could be... grandparents in THEIR kitchen, except theirs was turquoise. Great pic!


I don't see an aloe plant. Not sure what the plant between the windows is, but the greenery on the table is the top of a pineapple.


Old stoves like those are valuable today. An appliance parts place in Dallas that I frequent recently had a restored 1954 GE electric range for sale in its store, priced at $1400.

Home Life in America

Good ol' Grandma and Grandpa. These are the people we took for granted, and even sometimes complained about. But what wealth they offer to the family. I'd give anything to be sitting in my grandma's kitchen again. And I just spent the day with my 5-year-old grandson, laughing at his poop jokes. Life doesn't get better than that. Happy Thanksgiving.

Home sweet home

Baking in those vintage stoves -- a delight. Notice the turkey, nicely browned. The clock on the stove PM or AM. Great pic.

Thanks, tterrace

This is a charming Thanksgiving photo. Your folks look dead-serious about the jobs at hand, but I can sense the warmth in your household.

Nineteen years later...

It's 19 years after that first photo was taken, and that top drawer is still open!


Wow! This photo looks like it was taken in the 50's. Looking at this takes me back to all the holidays I spent with my grandparents. Grandma always made sure to save some dark meat for me, she knew I didn't like white. Thanks for the great photo.

Happy Thanksgiving, Shorpy!

Looks like Grandma kept an aloe plant handy for whenever she burned herself in the kitchen. Which wasn't often.

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