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Circa 1916. "Society Circus. Clowns on a horse." The poor horse being the straight man in this act. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.
I wonder where I should locate this "Society Circus"? History Detectives' "Cobina Wright and the Society Circus" tells about a 1930's program in New York. Apart from that I may find information about a 1915 movie "Mrs. Jarr and the Society Circus." And I find information about an "Original Broadway Production, 1905" called "A Society Circus." So I suppose the photograph is about the Broadway Production, am I correct?
["Society circus" is a generic description for events of this type, which were generally charity benefits. The Harris & Ewing photos were taken in the Washington, D.C., area. - Dave]
PBS's "History Detectives" did a program not long ago on Cobina Wright and the Society Circus. Fascinating times.
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