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Guinea Pig: 1937

July 10, 1937. "Testing cosmetics. The Department of Agriculture is making tests every day in order to get cosmetics under the Pure Food and Drug Act. Mrs. C.W. West, seated, is helping Mrs. R. Goodman make a test on cold cream and other facial creams." Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.

July 10, 1937. "Testing cosmetics. The Department of Agriculture is making tests every day in order to get cosmetics under the Pure Food and Drug Act. Mrs. C.W. West, seated, is helping Mrs. R. Goodman make a test on cold cream and other facial creams." Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Welcome to my lab

Imagine, she (or someone) once had an intimate day-to-day working knowledge of that whole rather disorderly-looking collection of variously sized bottles.

U.S. Towels

If we could see all of that towel, would it say "Stolen from United States Government"?

A Little Dab'll Do Ya

"...and be sure to slather on a generous amount, so that in the event of an allergic reaction, the maximum effect is achieved..."


Any of those labels legible on the various bottles? It would be interesting to see just what's in a 1937 lab.

[They are mostly out of focus. Below: A jar of Mallinckrodt anhydrous calcium chloride. - Dave]

"Tell me, what is this stuff?"

"It's called White Lead Paste. I assure you, it's completely safe!"

Thank Goodness

That these were NOT tested on animals!

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