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Goodbye: 1943

April 1943. Washington, D.C. "Soldiers looking out the window of the bus just before leaving the Greyhound terminal." Medium-format nitrate negative by Esther Bubley for the Office of War Information. View full size.

April 1943. Washington, D.C. "Soldiers looking out the window of the bus just before leaving the Greyhound terminal." Medium-format nitrate negative by Esther Bubley for the Office of War Information. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Greyhound/Kleenex answer

I saw this photo in color. Almost. It just struck me how deeply ingrained in my consciousness are the blue & white color schemes of both the Greyhound bus and the classic Kleenex box. I imagine it holds true for many others of my vintage.

Greyhound to Broadway

With a fair amount of imagination, one could envision a musical screenplay inspired by this image: two young men from different sides of town, shipping off to war with great excitement and intrepidation. A friendship forged by the random expediencies of America's World War II home front. The plot would have to resist some obvious cliches, but it would have been a rather progressive screenplay circa 1959 with Sammy Davis Jr. and Jack Lemmon.

Photographer Incognito

Twenty-two year-old Esther Bubley was able to capture this candid image, apparently without the subjects being conscious of her presence. Would these soldiers not notice the modestly attractive young brunette wielding her camera? There's an intangible skill that the best photographers possess-- one that allows subjects to forget the camera and to be themselves.

[Esther and her flash camera took dozens of photos of these guys at the Greyhound station and aboard the bus. So they were probably aware of her presence. - Dave]

Tools of War

Here's how a Bus in the U.S.A.
Helps win a Battle in Tunisia

(click to enlarge)

From Here to Eternity

Could this be Angelo Maggio after signing up in Hoboken?


I dunno. Why is a Greyhound bus like a Kleenex box?

With apologies to Lewis Carroll

Why is a Greyhound bus like a Kleenex box?

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