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Midgets for Coolidge: 1924

January 23, 1924. Washington, D.C. "Midget." News item, Jan. 20:  "The first organized touring Coolidge Marching Club to work for the nomination of the president comes to Washington Sunday morning. It is composed of 25 European midgets, headed by I.S. Rose, New Englander and impresario. The midgets wear buttons and ribbons on which is inscribed 'Coolidge 1925.'" View full size.

January 23, 1924. Washington, D.C. "Midget." News item, Jan. 20: "The first organized touring Coolidge Marching Club to work for the nomination of the president comes to Washington Sunday morning. It is composed of 25 European midgets, headed by I.S. Rose, New Englander and impresario. The midgets wear buttons and ribbons on which is inscribed 'Coolidge 1925.'" View full size.


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Odd report in the Washington Post

Read a little more about it ... it was reported in the Post

The first organizing touring Coolidge Marching club to work for the nomination of the president, comes to Washington Sunday morning. It is composed of 23 European midgets, men and women artists, headed by I. S. Rose, New Englander and impresario.

The midgets wear buttons and ribbons on which is inscribed “Coolidge 1925.” Upon its arrival at the Washington Union station this morning, the club will execute a few simple evolutions before taking motors for its quarters in the northeast section.

The Rose midgets will wear their Coolidge emblems throughout their tour of thirty weeks. Henri Glauer, age 32, height 31 inches, explains it thusly: “If the President is good, he should serve for life. I shall tell him to insist upon it.”

The truth comes out

Calvin Coolidge was in the pocket of "big midget."

[And possibly vice versa. - Dave]


Even if she IS a little person and probably IS wearing children's clothes to fit her and IS only in her twenties, she really, really, really looks like a kid. I do love the "sidelong stare" someone else mentioned, though.

Also I couldn't really find any other mentions of the Hansi Herman one commenter mentioned - does anyone else have more info??


This is the soprano Hansi Herman, probably the best known of the Rose Midgets. She was also dressmaker for the troupe. She would have been around 28 years old when this photo was made.


has just taken a whole new meaning.

Coolidge Stands Up

For the Little Man (or Woman)! (Sorry, Coen Brothers!)


I bet she's got a flask of brandy in that pocketbook of hers, for "medicinal purposes."

What did Cal have to say about this stunt?

Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Would a politician today...

have a 1) foreign 2) smoking 3) midget 4) wearing a fur coat as an attraction??? See what you miss with political correctness???

You lookin' at me?

Girlfriend's got a pretty good sidelong stare going on. Not sure how she feels about being a sideshow. This is ... really ... weird.

I have to say I'm glad we've come away from this freakshow mentality, or the last election would have had flying monkeys or something.

Midget schmidget

My question is: which modern candidate would dare bring in 25 "Europeans" -- in other words, non-Americans -- as support for his campaign?

[This was a publicity stunt cooked up by GOP booster Rose to promote the midgets' 30-month theater tour. - Dave]

Sorry, but

This is no midget. This is a little girl.

[There's one rather obvious possibility that you're overlooking. (Hint: Do midgets start out as adults?) - Dave]


The cigarette is a nice touch

I guess it's true what they say.

About smoking stunting your growth that is.

Rose's Royal Midgets

Mad covered this

This strip illustrates the perils of smoking midgets.

I Can't Keep Up

I thought the term "midgets" was banned or something. I don't know. I can't keep up. Anyhow, we need more pictures of midgets. Non-colorized, please.


Politics make stramge bedfellows, or sumpthin'!!

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