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By Golly It's Good: 1920

Washington, D.C., circa 1920. "Altemus-Hibble truck." Reif's, a "pure liquid food" touted as "the peer of soft drinks," was "the hearty cereal beverage with flavor and tang." National Photo Company Collection glass negative. View full size.

Washington, D.C., circa 1920. "Altemus-Hibble truck." Reif's, a "pure liquid food" touted as "the peer of soft drinks," was "the hearty cereal beverage with flavor and tang." National Photo Company Collection glass negative. View full size.


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Today’s Top 5

Purity Extract & Tonic Co.

From The Chattanoogan:

Charles Reif lent his own name to Reif's Ginger Ale, as well as to Reif's Special. An advertisement for it warned readers, "Don't let Old Man Thirst ruin your good times. There is one way to eject him. Give him the cold shoulder over a cold bottle of Reif's Special. By golly, it's good."


One of the many malty "cereal beverages" popular at the start of Prohibition.

Beware the Reif's

This stuff sounds like the precursor to Soylent Green.

Workhorse Truck

Clydesdale has to be the best truck brand name ever.

Make Your Dream Come True

Make Your Dream Come True

It's 4 p.m. and big day — work is becoming worrisome — you begin daydreaming — if you could only refresh yourself with a nice cold bottle. You can make that dream come true. Step out and get a bottle of

Reif's Special

By our own secret process is imparted the generous body. By three months' aging is imparted the satisfying, inviting Aroma or Bouquet. It costs nearly 100% more to make it our way but costs you no more. Try it. By Golly, it's Good.

In Bottles or Cases at Soft Drink Places. Also on Draught. Purity Extract and Tonic Co., Chattanooga Tenn. Altemus-Hibble Co., Inc., Distributors, 1007 B St. N.W., Phone Main 5678.

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