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Circa 1900. "Victor, Colorado. Gold Coin Mine." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.
A large part of Victor burned to the ground in 1899, and it is said that most of the town was rebuilt in six months of brick instead of wood. It does seem as though there is a lot of "new construction" around!
From the building with the Elector Cigars sign, follow that street to the right and where it ends you will find the Victor Midland RR Depot. The depot's overhanging roof casts dark shadows on the side of the building, which was the center of much activity at the time this photo was taken. The depot still stands today in relative isolation and four photos of it taken in 2006 can be viewed on this page. The eastern end of the depot is closest to the camera in the 1900 photo, which looks to the southwest.
Super photo from which to fashion a scratch built model railroading site in one's basement. So much going on, track at several different levels, limitless building designs, and a background that leads into a diorama-like mountain scenic.
I'd put a flag on that pole next to the smokestack, however.
Amazing. Telephone, telegraph, electric, I counted one hundred and three poles before I started seeing double. Then spotted several more. You could spend days studying the histories of technology, architecture, construction, transportation, manufacturing, marketing and more, just in this single photograph. I love it. Still haven't found Waldo, however.
Just to the right of the building with the painted advertisement for "Elector" cigars, you can see a fence plastered with advertising for "Coontown 400", a variety troupe.
Whether it is the same troupe as below or not, I'm not sure. Perhaps they had already made bookings and then went bust. I couldn't find another revue by the same name. Although there is a cartoon book called "Coontown's 400" by E.W. Kemble, published in 1899, "with what we would today consider racist portrayals of "darkies".
"Coontown Four Hundred (also Coontown 400). Variety troupe, active at the turn of the century, which underwent a number of changes of name and management. The orig. troupe, under white proprietorship, played Cincinnati, OH, in May 1899 with a roster that included the Blackstone Quartet, Tom Brown, Edna Alexander, Ida Forsyne, Whitney and Tutt, and others; it then disbanded in Nov. of the same year for non-payment of salaries. Management was taken over by Howard McCarver in September 1901, and the name was changed to A Honolulu Coon Co..." "The African American theatre directory, 1816-1960"
"One of Arthur Marshall's anecdotes has Marshall and [Scott] Hayden both living with the Joplins. This had to have been in late 1902 or 1903, for Marshall had been on a two-year tour with the Dan McCabe's Coontown 400 until the fall of 1902. It was probably at the end of the tour that he moved in with the Joplins, for Dan McCane in December was in St. Louis and visited the Joplins" "King of Ragtime: Scott Joplin and his era"
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