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Big Pete: 1942

June 1942. "Big Pete" Ramagos, a rigger at work on the TVA's Douglas Dam in Tennessee. View full size. 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Alfred Palmer.

June 1942. "Big Pete" Ramagos, a rigger at work on the TVA's Douglas Dam in Tennessee. View full size. 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Alfred Palmer.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

This is my Great-Grandfather

I am so proud that this is a picture of my great-grandfather!

[What can you tell us about him? - Dave]

What's the Story Behind the Picture?

I would really love to know more about Big Pete and what happened to him beyond the taking of this photo. The most amazing thing about Kodachrome is how well it makes yesteryear seem like yesterday, especially the medium and large format varieties. But the saddest thing is that the people who look so alive in them have often long since passed away. You can almost sense how much Big Pete is concentrating here, and how tiring the work must have been. I too am in awe of this picture. If anyone can shed any light on Pete I'd be very grateful.

Hard Working Fella

This is the face of the men who built this country. Their industry is what made our economy flourish. It is production and not consumerism that makes a nation great. My hat is off to Big Pete and everyone like him that worked, and worked hard; for themselves, their families, and their country.


I can't stop looking at this. I am terrified and in awe.


Imagine the amount of information contained in this image compared to DSLR.

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