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Street View: 1910

"West 2nd Street residences." Little Rock, Arkansas, circa 1910. Our second 2nd Street view, this being the first. The era of mounting blocks and hitching posts is drawing to a close. 8x10 glass negative, Detroit Publishing Co. View full size.

"West 2nd Street residences." Little Rock, Arkansas, circa 1910. Our second 2nd Street view, this being the first. The era of mounting blocks and hitching posts is drawing to a close. 8x10 glass negative, Detroit Publishing Co. View full size.


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Izard & Chester

Possibly this area is between South Izard and South Chester? I went the whole length and this is the only thing I found close. One lonely old house and three Trees old enough to fit the bill.

[There's another one across the street. - Dave]

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There are a few more further down on the right also, unfortunately things have changed so much it's impossible to identify them as being the houses in the old photo.

It's too bad we can't click on the old photos and "Drive" around like we can now.

The folks 100 years from now will be in for a treat if the Google archive still exists!


"Horses come by here. Not long ago, Kemosabe."

"Tonto, you're amazing! How do you do it?"

All Gone?

I traveled all of West 2nd and some of East 2nd and didn't find those grand homes. I suppose it's not just the old steppingstones and hitching posts that are just a memory.

[The shadows indicate we're looking west. Perhaps toward South Gaines Street, which is at the crest of a hill. - Dave]

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