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Grandfather Mike: 1917

Here's a great photo of my Grandfather Mike(top right), on the back of a CPR Caboose.  He had arrived not too long before this photo was taken from the old country (Czechoslovakia). He was originally laughed at when they saw his small stature but in his broken English said to the fellow doing the hiring that if he could do the same amount of work as the 6-foot-5 Finnish fellow behind him, would they hire him -- and the rest is history.  He worked 48 years for the Canadian Pacific Railway right here in Thunder Bay, Ontario, formerly the 2 cities of Fort William and Port Arthur. View full size.

Here's a great photo of my Grandfather Mike(top right), on the back of a CPR Caboose. He had arrived not too long before this photo was taken from the old country (Czechoslovakia). He was originally laughed at when they saw his small stature but in his broken English said to the fellow doing the hiring that if he could do the same amount of work as the 6-foot-5 Finnish fellow behind him, would they hire him -- and the rest is history. He worked 48 years for the Canadian Pacific Railway right here in Thunder Bay, Ontario, formerly the 2 cities of Fort William and Port Arthur. View full size.

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