My grandfather was a businessman who owned and operated an E. Baltimore roofing company established in 1906.  But he loved fishing most of all and had this boat built in Hampton Roads, Virginia and brought to Bowley's Quarters in Baltimore County. He would go on the Chesapeake Bay a couple days a week when he could.  He trolled for striped bass and blue fish.  The boat had twin Cadillac engines. View full size.
My grandfather was a businessman who owned and operated an E. Baltimore roofing company established in 1906. But he loved fishing most of all and had this boat built in Hampton Roads, Virginia and brought to Bowley's Quarters in Baltimore County. He would go on the Chesapeake Bay a couple days a week when he could. He trolled for striped bass and blue fish. The boat had twin Cadillac engines. | Click image for Comments. | Home | Browse All Photos