My father’s world was one of men in business suits back in a time when classified job ads specified if they wanted a man or a woman. If they said man, a woman could not apply. This group, who are holding certificates of some sort in their laps, seems to be the unsmiling graduates of something. Exactly what, I have no way to find out.

My father has hand-written all of their names on the back of the photo but I will bet you can spot him without me telling you where he is. My father is the one and only guy in this picture sporting a bow tie. View full size.
My father’s world was one of men in business suits back in a time when classified job ads specified if they wanted a man or a woman. If they said man, a woman could not apply. This group, who are holding certificates of some sort in their laps, seems to be the unsmiling graduates of something. Exactly what, I have no way to find out. My father has hand-written all of their names on the back of the photo but I will bet you can spot him without me telling you where he is. My father is the one and only guy in this picture sporting a bow tie. | Click image for Comments. | Home | Browse All Photos