UPDATE: This is the Boulevard Sanitarium, founded in 1903 at 251 West 25th Street. Hat tip to Shorpy member William Lafferty.
Detroit circa 1908. "No caption (automobile parked in front of three-story house with side porch)." At the construction site next door: "These lots for sale. Enquire W.S. Pocock." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. View full size.
        UPDATE: This is the Boulevard Sanitarium, founded in 1903 at 251 West 25th Street. Hat tip to Shorpy member William Lafferty.
Detroit circa 1908. "No caption (automobile parked in front of three-story house with side porch)." At the construction site next door: "These lots for sale. Enquire W.S. Pocock." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Publishing Company. | Click image for Comments. | Home | Browse All Photos