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What Could Be Simpler: 1926

"J. Fred Huber Radio window," 1217 H Street NW in Washington circa 1926. "Phone FRanklin 36." View full size. National Photo Company glass negative.

"J. Fred Huber Radio window," 1217 H Street NW in Washington circa 1926. "Phone FRanklin 36." View full size. National Photo Company glass negative.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Tin Ceiling

Love the old tin ceiling in the background. Surprisingly, those have made a comeback in recent years.

Dumb 'ol baby

They had to superimpose J. Fred's face onto that poor kids body. No kid has ever been that ugly. And you should have seen my brother!

I am going to have nightmares

about that girl. Creepy. No neck.

J. Fred Huber

Huber first opened shop on 1222 G street in 1925, moving to 1217 H street sometime during the summer of 1926.

Washington Post, Nov 22, 1925

Huber Opens New Studio

Announcement was made yesterday of the opening of a new radio studio by J. Fred Huber, until recently manager of the radio department of Lansburgh & Bro. Mr. Huber will conduct his studio in the store of McHugh & Lawson, 1222 G street northwest, and will handle radio sets and accessories featuring Radio Corporation of America and Atwater-Kent products.

Previous in his last employment, Mr. Huber was superintendent of operations in the United States engineers and quartermaster departments of the army, and later in engineering practice on the Panama canal. At one time he was wire chief for the local telephone company. Assisting Mr. Huber in the conduct of the radio department will be E.G. Machamer, a former department manager for John Wanamaker Co., and Ray A. Dunbar, who served during the world war as a radio ensign in the navy.

Atwater Kent Model 35

"What could be simpler?" applies to to the Atwater Kent Model 35, which featured a single knob for tuning back when the majority of radios had three. The Model 35 sold for $65 less batteries, speaker and tubes.

Farking not required

If I didn't know better, I'd say that the display in the very center had been pre-Farked.

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