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Corn Paint: 1920

Washington, D.C., circa 1920. "People's Drug Store, 7th and M." Your head­quarters for Bed Bug Killer, Corn Paint ("for Hard and Soft") and the ever-popular Rubber Goods. National Photo Company glass negative. View full size.

Washington, D.C., circa 1920. "People's Drug Store, 7th and M." Your head­quarters for Bed Bug Killer, Corn Paint ("for Hard and Soft") and the ever-popular Rubber Goods. National Photo Company glass negative. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

PDS aka Permethrin or Pretty Damn Sure

Susceptible pests - Permethrin is effective in the control of several insect vectors of disease, ticks, ants, mosquitoes, lice,fleas, black flies, tsetse fly, domestic flies and other pests, which contaminate food and water sources.

[Permethrin was first synthesized in 1973 and marketed in 1977. - tterrace]

I seem to remember this was

People's Drug Store No. 4. Seriously, why was the store's number so prominent?

Ghost lady

There is a ghost lady just finishing her lime ricky, right behind the door.

Two words:

Edward Hopper!


"Rubber Goods" is a euphemism for contraceptives; they could not be more explicit in their description.

[At the time in the retail drug store trade, "rubber goods" referred to hot water bottles, syringes, enema equipment, rubber gloves and other DIY health-care items. - tterrace]

Night Vision

I think I once commented before that these People's Drug Stores look better at night. Their successors, CVS, Rite-Aid etc, now tend to leave their lights on inside the stores because they are, in many cases, open 24/7, at least in NYC. They however, do not dress the windows, they are covered with paper signs.

Rubber goods!

I always get my rubber goods at the drug store. Hot water bottles should always be purchased at reputable establishments.

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