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Another 1957 Birthday

My brother's first birthday, 1957, East Aurora, NY. Cousins in attendance, myself in utero. Not the sharpest picture, but it fits well with another recent 1957 birthday picture posted here. The braided rugs, the toys, the clothes, my aunt's needlepoint project--all of possible interest. Taken, I believe, with my father's Minolta A Rangefinder. View full size.

My brother's first birthday, 1957, East Aurora, NY. Cousins in attendance, myself in utero. Not the sharpest picture, but it fits well with another recent 1957 birthday picture posted here. The braided rugs, the toys, the clothes, my aunt's needlepoint project--all of possible interest. Taken, I believe, with my father's Minolta A Rangefinder. View full size.

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Braided Rugs

The braided rugs remind me of visiting my Granny and Granddad's house in the 1960's. I would drag out my toy cars and pretend the braided ovals were race tracks.

Re: Bangs

Picture would have been taken in March.


This reminds me of my aunt and uncle's home - the braided rug, the wooden rocker and playpen all look familiar. Even the woman's plaid jumper looks like one my aunt wore. And that blonde girl could be my cousin.

I too had bangs that short many many times. My mother never could seem to cut them straight the first time.

It's amazing the memories that come flooding back with these Shorpy photos.


I had to wait till the kids were in bed to work on projects like that. I guess that's why it took me three years to complete a granny square afghan. I love this picture.


My sister was born in Feb. of that year. I turned three in Sept. I don't know what month that was but I'll bet my bangs were just as short as your cousin's! I guess our mothers must have thought they looked nice that way, for some reason I can't imagine.

Nice pic!

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