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Boston Market: 1909

October 1909. "Late at night. Boston market. Many young venders." 5x7 glass negative by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.

October 1909. "Late at night. Boston market. Many young venders." 5x7 glass negative by Lewis Wickes Hine. View full size.


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Chicago Dressed Beef & Lamb

Chicago Dressed Beef (or Lamb) was a type (method) of preparation for meat that was popular at the turn of the century in the East. At that time, the best meat in the country was from the midwest and didn't travel by rail very well to the east coast. The preservative dressing mixture of pepper, salt & whatever else applied in the midwestern meat packing plants kept the quality meat in good contition for the trip east.

Over time, the preservative mixture became synonymous with quality meats in the east. (Think about how every 3rd thing has either "kobe" or "angus" stamped on it today. Believe that?) As a result, The Chicago Dressed Beef Co. was one of several Central Massachusetts companies that had been controlled by members of the Jacobson family of Worcester since the early 1900s. The meat-packing complex in the Franklin Street area of Worcester MA. ceased operations in 1983. The family also owned the L.B. Darling meat-packing company in Southboro.

So, assuming that Worcester was the largest producer of Chicago Dressed Beef & Boston was the largest local market for the same, I would place this image on Bromfield Street between Washington & Tremont Streets on Boston. The architectural nuances in the ironwork storefront on the far left, the alley, and the stonework of the arched granite framed upper windows on the far upper right not only match on the present structures, but the addresses on the buildings in the photo correlate to that block. (Yes, you still find streets in boston where both even & odd numbers are on the same side of the street.)


Read the rest of the sign: "Chicago Dressed Beef and Lamb."


what is CHICAGO DRESSED? building on right.

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