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Pabst Backward: 1943

April 1943. The PBR R.R.: "Pabst Beer sign over the Illinois Central freight yard at South Water Street, Chicago." Kodachrome by Jack Delano. View full size.

April 1943. The PBR R.R.: "Pabst Beer sign over the Illinois Central freight yard at South Water Street, Chicago." Kodachrome by Jack Delano. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Thirsty Railroad workers on payday I would imagine

downed a few of those cold draft PBR's. Just a few.

Onomatopoeia = Aieopotamono

PABST backwards = TSBAP, which is similar to the sound of a 16-ounce "tallboy" when opened quickly. That sound is frequently followed by "aaaaahhhh."

Still the Same

We drank PBR in the '70s because it was dirt cheap at $4.50 a case. (Miller Lite was $5.85)

40-odd years later, I bought some recently. Tastes exactly as I remember it, in a good way. Now it's $7 for a sixer of 16-ounce ones.


Whenever I see or hear about Pabst Blue Ribbon I think of Ken Niles's Adverts on the Danny Kaye Show. Ken was an amazing announcer. I love how whenever he was a show's announcer they would put him in the show, "It's Ken! Ken Niles! How are you?" "I'm great, and you know why? It's because of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and all its brews!" haha only 22 and love those old radio shows.

Memory of Chicago's old front yard

I remember the old Pabst sign, I think it is where the Prudential Building stands today.

Man that seems like a long time ago. Still good to remember the way it used to be. Thanks


"Time NOT Forgotten"

As though it were yesterday, seeing that Pabst sign brought back the acrid smell of the brewery as it cast its unmistakable aroma over Peoria during my childhood.

The Blue Ribbon Plant, Hiram Walker's, Little Giant and a host of other industries have faded from the banks of the Illinois River as have I, but the memories never will.


Cliff Shell
Fort Myers, FL

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