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From almost 100 years ago: "Dog in costume of dress and lady's hat pushing cart with three kittens." Middle Kitten is quite the trouper, having appeared in several other pictures in this series by Harry W. Frees. View full size.
The comments on the Frees photo posts are always a little added bonus. Its amazing how upset people can get about photos of kittens!
Sorry to walk all over your cute fix. These are only cute until you realize that most of the poor animals were either dead or had been heavily drugged. Frees was criticized for this well into the 1920's.
[Spectacularly misinformed, ludicrously incorrect. Do your homework. - Dave]
Cats: "What's that bright light?"
Dog: "Just the flash, guys. Been there, done that. Boring!" (Yawns; off camera)
[However, Frees didn't use flash, but rather exposed by daylight from the large skylights and windows in his studio. -tterrace]
Strange how these kitty photos are beginning to grow on me.
When you least expect it, I'm gonna kill you for this.
He had to know those weren't his kids!
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