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Cafe Society: 1943

February 1943. "This image in a jacket marked 'Killed'." From photos taken in and around Albuquerque, New Mexico, by John Collier for the OWI. View full size.

February 1943. "This image in a jacket marked 'Killed'." From photos taken in and around Albuquerque, New Mexico, by John Collier for the OWI. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

Santa Fe RR?

The guy looking into the camera appears to wear a railroad cap. I wonder if this is near the Santa Fe yard off Central Ave.?

Re: Sippers vs. Sluggers

Wonderful analysis of the beer glasses. One of my all-time favorite Shorpy comments. Well done, Gooberpea! Best line: "A sipper nurses his beverage, savoring the amber current flowing through his mind." Close second: "A sipper sacrifices the crisp pop of a whole glass of cold beer on the belly and brain for the lingering pleasure of standing at the bar in the company of friends and neighbors." Pure poetry.

An observation

Doggone, but that Gooberpea is an entertaining (and accomplished) writer!


The light fixtures are a schoolhouse pendant.

Sippers vs. Sluggers

You can tell how a fellow drinks his beer by observing the foam rings left inside the glass every time he takes a drink. A sipper nurses his beverage, savoring the amber current flowing through his mind. The guy with the glasses facing the camera, center frame, is a sipper. If you zoom in you can plainly see three, maybe four foam lines closely spaced with a third of his glass empty. Perhaps he's short on cash and wanting to prolong his evening at the bar before returning home to the missus. A sipper sacrifices the crisp pop of a whole glass of cold beer on the belly and brain for the lingering pleasure of standing at the bar in the company of friends and neighbors

The gentleman looking straight at the camera with his cap pushed back is a slugger. Notice how his glass is also about a third sailboat fuel. One thick foam line tilted ever so slightly to the rim indicates he drained a third of his beer in two big gulps. Ahhh! Now that's refreshing!

Ol' Goober employs both tactics -- slug one, then sip one, slug one, sip one ... lather, rinse, repeat.

My kind of joint

No foo-foo drinks with straws there.
No martinis made with apple flavoured vodka either.

C'mon, Burquenos!

Someone in my favorite city must recognize this place. It's time for Shorpy sleuths to leap into action. First clue: If the back wall is right, it's "Cafe [something]."

One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer

Now that's what I call a bar. I bet it's heaving on a Friday night.

Bar looks pretty well stocked.

Might be 1943, but no shortage of beer and peanuts.

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