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Midnight Snackers: 1943

        "We'll have what she's having."
April 1943. "Baltimore, Maryland. Third-shift defense workers getting snack at drugstore on corner where their shared car will pick them up around midnight." Photo by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information. View full size.

        "We'll have what she's having."

April 1943. "Baltimore, Maryland. Third-shift defense workers getting snack at drugstore on corner where their shared car will pick them up around midnight." Photo by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information. View full size.


On Shorpy:
Today’s Top 5

I'm assuming....

Are those black-out curtains in front of the doorway?

Lost (?) stamps

One of my few wartime memories is of my mother in a panic having 'lost' her food ration stamps like those pictured in the poster in the upper right. I mobilized all the kids on the block to find them. We diligently searched her path from the neighborhood grocery store (that was in pre-supermarket times) to our rented flat only to find that she had miss-filed them in her voluminous purse. Come to think of it that term, super market, has vanished from common usage along with the stamps.

Another gem to gaze at for hours!

Just when I think Shorpy can't be any more remarkable comes this photo. We are all there as the flash goes off. Thanks for the ride, Dave.

Clark Gable from an alternate universe

The one where he just wasn't quite handsome enough to make it as a movie star.

"Car" = "Streetcar"...

...Notice the folded-back blackout curtains by the entrance. Hmmm, those two young ones nearest the camera look like they should be toting a gun somewhere overseas instead of sitting at a lunch counter; Rosie could replace them at their drill press.


Here Comes The Judge

I have never heard of or even seen any old copies of "Judge" magazine. It was a humor magazine that started in 1881.

Couldn't find the issue shown here in the magazine rack, but here's a cover from later that year.

Is it a clown car?

Thats an awful lot of people to squeeze into one vehicle. I'm assuming 'car' must refer to something somewhat larger than what immediately springs to mind for me.

["Car" was also common shorthand for streetcar. -tterrace]

I'll have a slice of life, please.

Looks like everyone but the woman with the fur trimmed coat collar, the guy in the leather jacket next to her, and the man standing behind them in the fedora are all wearing workingman's clothes. There must be a story in there somewhere. The fedora guy could be an upstairs management type or a news reporter trying to get a cuppa on his way home. Leather jacket and fur collar might have stopped in to the drugstore to have something to eat on their way home from a date at the movies when the shift at the plant let out and they were instantly surrounded. At least they all seem to look happy or at least amused about something.

Interesting reading on the walls. A 'How To Buy' wartime poster. On the magazine rack above there's Official Detective, Photoplay, Esquire and War News and a magazine titled Gags with a girl behind a steering wheel. If it's about gags, this may not end well for her. Anyone recognize the actress on the cover of Photoplay?

[Gene Tierney, April 1943. -tterrace]

Clark Gable

Seated in front of the Coca Cola dispenser

Fancy Clientele

There's Clark Gable on the left, and Elvis peeking over the root beer barrel.

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