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Toasty Taxi: 1936

February 1936. Washington, D.C. "Heated taxi cab." Sure, but can you summon it with an app? Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.

February 1936. Washington, D.C. "Heated taxi cab." Sure, but can you summon it with an app? Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative. View full size.


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See the emblem?

It's a V8!

S.W. corner 13th and D St NW in 1936

Perhaps this was taken in front of a newer location for Mr. Sorensen's metalworking business. By 1936, the southwest corner of the intersection of 13th and D streets was one of the City's newest vacant lots, as this photo taken that year and found in the Library of Congress shows. (The street immediately south of the D.C. Government Building was a continuation of D Street NW, running between 13th and 14th Streets.) Surrounded by massive-scale bureau and department buildings in the Federal Triangle, it remained little more than a parking lot for over 50 years, before President Reagan signed a bill to construct the Triangle's missing piece, which now bears his name.

Albert (cont)

Albert Sorenson was born in Denmark on March 26th 1884, he arrived in the US sometime before 1910 as he and his wife Maria S are on that years census.
His 1918 draft registration has him as a tinmaker with a business address of 328 13th St NW, by this time the couple had two children Helen b 1911 and Lester A b 1916
The 1940 census has him, Marie and Lester owning a $7500 house at 4448 19th Street North in Arlington VA.

Toasty on the inside

That's a canvas winterfront on the 1936 Ford. It blocked air flow to the radiator, to allow the car to run warmer during cold weather.

1935 Ford?

Looks like a 1935 Ford. The first car I remember my family driving was a 1936 Ford two door almost identical to this one.

[It's a 1936. -tterrace]

Albert Sorenson

Corner of 15th and D.

[On both name and address, you are very close! - Dave]

A street no more

If my crack research is correct, that is at what was the corner of 13th and D St NW, in what is now Federal Triangle

The ice and snow

is taking a toll of his trouser bottoms.

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